Wednesday July 8, 1914

Hot a.m. Partly cloudy and quite cool p.m. Mora pulled weeds at Weatherups 8 hours, rec'd $2.00. A letter came from T. Lipsky saying his father was dead, a card also from Herick that the scrolls were at the station, a card came this eve from Mr. Higley. I opened the sore on Maud's toe this morning and a lot of pus came out it made her feel better right away. Edith Pierce and Guy's nephew Spencer Sheldon came this evening, I found a young rabbit dead. James and Susie and their baby Myrtle drove in at nine p.m. staid until 11, brought me two qts. cherries. Mr. Lane of Central Square came p.m. I ordered 2 pair stockings for Maud and Memphis each, one for Sidney.

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