Tuesday April 7, 1914

Pleasant until 5:30 p.m. commenced to sprinkle at 6, rain hard looks like an all night affair. Mora and Maud went to school came home to dinner. Memphis wanted to go but her eyes looked bad and ached. Decided to keep her home it may be pink eye. Mora went to the P.O. after coming home from school and got cabbages for 5c and said they only had 5 more left as she wanted to go and get the rest. Lewis told her she could have them for 2c each . I let her go and she bought all for 9c, cute little very hard heads about a lb. each, however they are cabbage and that is all there is to it. Cassie went up to Gehr's and got a pkg. of Snowboy when the children went back to school, when she came home she was hold of Mrs. Rudeau's hand.

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